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Food and One Health

Immagine del redattore: AdminAdmin

Aggiornamento: 4 lug 2022

Keywords: Food and Health, Metabolic Diseases, Preventive Medicine, Nutraceuticals, Public Health and Nutrition, Environmental Health, Animal Health, Food Safety, Food Microbiology, Pollution

Area Coordinator: Bartolomeo Biolatti and Ezio Ghigo

Chairman of the session: Ezio Ghigo, University of Turin

Keynote Speaker: Francesco Branca, Director of the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development at the World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva

Call for papers: open

The interrelationship between Human Nutrition and Gastronomic Sciences has progressively become timely and of interest worldwide. The increasing number of scientific publications on the topic in last few years is a proof of this positive relationship, which finds in the notion of One Health its upmost manifestation in recognising that human health, animal health and welfare, and the health of the ecosystem are inextricably linked. As such, One Health is acknowledged as a key priority by the Italian Ministry of Health, by the European Commission, and by the most important International Organizations, which stress the need for interdisciplinary cooperation between physicians, veterinarians, biologists, gastronomes, agronomists, economists and others. Gastronomic Science is a fertile and common ground in which to combine ideas and potentialities in term of One Health given the very inter- and multidisciplinary nature of the discipline. Moreover, some of the most important elements of Gastronomic Sciences are sensory experiences and taste that underline the link between food and culture, traditions, nature and landscape, health, all key elements which contribute to our understanding of and fight against malnutrition in all its forms, and, simultaneously, contribute to the challenge of finding complex solutions to complex problems. The recent pandemic has underscored how human beings are intimately related to the animal and plant world and how human actions impact on these worlds. From this lesson we should gain a deeper consciousness that a diet should not be only healthy for human beings, but also for the planet. This demands to appreciate and value the mutual relationship between living beings, from the smallest microorganism to the most complex like human beings.

Accepted papers: news soon



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